• Trichotillomania – You’re Not Alone

October is very widely recognized as Breast Cancer Awareness month, but many of the people I meet are unaware that this first week of October also marks Trichotillomania Awareness Week. Unlike Breast Cancer many people do not know what Tricotillomania is or that it affects 1 out of 50 people. 

So what is Tricotllomania you ask? Trichotillomania (TTM or “Trich”) is a disorder that causes people to pull out the hair from their scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows, or any other parts of the body, resulting in noticeable bald patches. Trichotillomania is a type of body focused repetitive behavior or BFRB for short. People who have Trich will describe a strong “urge” to pull. The urge can be so strong that it can almost feel like an attack – unrelenting and demanding attention before anything else can be done. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation about Trich. Many who suffer from this disorder, do so in silence due to the shame and embarrassment one feels about being exposed and having to deal with people’s reactions.

If you suffer from Trichotillomania, it is important to recognize that you are not alone and that there is both help and a solution for you. Here are stories of 3 women who have found the right support and solution that has helped them to overcome Trichotillomania:

Bethany: At 23-years-old, she came to Jeffrey Paul Salon in need of a solution. For Bethany her hair loss led to drastic action when she was in high school. She was so desperate to get rid of “her problem” that at one point she shaved her head; reasoning that if she didn’t have any hair, she couldn’t pull it out. Thankfully, Bethany was able to correct her situation with the right support and a hair replacement system.

Danielle: Being bullied in school resulted in Danielle pulling out her hair and left her with several bald patches and a lack of confidence. Since the age of 18, she has suffered from Trichotillomania. After feeling like she lacked a social life, she wanted to make a change. Danielle decided to go on The Speaksmans show where she was transformed with a professional makeover and has gained confidence. “I think that by doing this I have shown other people with Trichotillomania that there is hope,” she said.

Laura: After the passing of her father at age seven, Laura has had Trichotillomania. While it is becoming more recognized, she still felt it was difficult to live with such a visible insecurity. Tired of wearing hats and trying to cover it up, Laura decided to get a consultation and hair loss solution! Laura’s hair loss solution made her feel like she could finally begin healing!

At my salon we work with many guests who have Trich, by helping them find a hair replacement solution for their hair loss. When using one of our custom integration or full cranial prosthesis, combined with therapy and support, guests have been able to decrease and in some circumstances, completely cease their urge to pull and their hair is able to grow back underneath the hair system.

For additional support, please check out Charlene Blacer and Help Me 2 Stop, a non-profit organization, working to build awareness about Trich and connecting those who are suffering from pulling hair to stylists who want to help them find a cure. This supportive community is working to help others fight the urge.

If you would like to learn more about the right hair solution for your individual hair loss please email or call me to set up a private and personal consultation with one of my consultation specialists.

Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

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