• Who You Are

beautifully made

Too often we are inundated with external messages that tell us who we should be. Pop culture tells us we should be thin and dressed in the latest fashions. Family and friends often expect that we should conform to a belief or career path. The “experts” have published title after title proclaiming all that we should be. It’s rare for these messages to tell the truth: that you’re a beautifully made creation.Those messages don’t tell you who you truly are.

You are a unique, beautiful creation. Designed on purpose and with a purpose.

Look in the mirror and give yourself the gift of these words: “I am beautifully and wonderfully made.” Write it down and place this message where you’ll see it often. It’s easy to be overwhelmed by all the words and message we hear each day. Choose to hear this important truth.

Beautifully and wonderfully made.


Remember…Beauty Begins Within

– Jeffrey Paul 

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