• Five Early Signs of Hair Loss – The Stranger in the Mirror

Five early signs of Hair Loss - Jeffrey Paul Restoring Beautiful HairNot sure if you’re experiencing hair loss, or merely losing a few strands here and there? This can be a very scary and confusing time, but rest assured, I’m here to help! After many years in the industry I’ve put together the following 5, telltale signs that help you determine if your hair loss is something to fret about, or not.

I recommend asking yourself these questions:

1. Do you wake up every morning to a pillow of full hair?

2. Does your stomach twist in into knots as you look in the mirror and realize that nothing you can do is going to hide the fact that you can see your scalp shining through your hair?

3. Does your hair – no matter how many guaranteed-to-grow (and expensive) shampoos, conditioners, and scalp stimulating products you use – simply refuse to grow past a certain point.

4. Have you, or a loved one, watched hair come out by the handful due to Alopecia, or after an illness or chemotherapy, and felt powerless to do anything about it?

5. Do you throw out a very full handful of hair after you’re finished conditioning it?

If so then you are likely a candidate for treatment and you know that what I’m talking about isn’t just hair loss, it’s about loss of self: self-image, self-esteem and identity. We’re here to help you feel like yourself, and look like yourself because remember: Beauty Begins Within.

For more info and to talk in real, connect with me on my social networks:

Twitter:    twitter.com/restoringhair
Pinterest: pinterest.com/restoringhair/


– Jeffrey Paul